TShDatePicker is a visual component for getting Hijri Shamsi date
from end-user.
Using this component, entering date values will be very easy for users.
They can pick their desired dates by typing or through Up and Down arrow
keys. User will always enter a valid date without any difficulties and
developer just needs to read the picked date as a TDate value.
Main Usages:
- Getting Hijri Shamsi date values from user.
- Ancestor class for TExShDatePicker.
- Simplicity and speed in entering date.
- Ensures valid dates in data entry. No further tests are required.
- Incomparable with a TEdit or TMaskEdit for getting date values.
- Select date using arrow keys or by typing numbers.
- Intelligent movement between date elements.
- Useful shortcut keys for accessing most using dates.
- Support mouse wheel for choosing date.
- Support Clipboard.
- Show today as default date.
- Restrict acceptable dates through MinDate/MaxDate properties.
- High quality, flicker-free.
- Comparable to TDateTimePicker in date mode.
... | TWinControl | TCustomControl | TCustomShDatePicker | TShDatePicker
Introduced Properties and Events:
- Alignment, AutoSize
- Date, MinDate, MaxDate
- AllowNull, IsNull.
- AutoMove, AutoMoveDirection
- ReadOnly
- UseCurrentDate
- OnChange